Crop Production 2022-23
S. No. |
Title of the Trial / DemoDiscipline Wise |
Treatments (T1 / T2 / T3…) |
Year of Initiation |
No. of Locations |
Season of Execution |
I. |
1 |
Performance of groundnut varieties during Kharif |
T1 :K 1812 T2: Nityaharitha (TCGS-1157) T3: Farmer practice (K6) |
2019-20 |
3 |
Kharif |
2 |
Organic paddy cultivation |
T1:Basal application of manures (Green manuring, FYM, Biofertilizers) Top dressing :1. Neem cake @ 200 kg or vermicompost @500kg/ac at tillering and PI Stage2. BGA @ 4kg/ac or Azolla @100-150kg/ac 7-10 DAT incorporate at 2-3 weeks after application 3. Soil application of Drava Jeevmrutam @ 200l/ac three times from 15 DAT at 20 days interval 4. Spraying of cow urine @ 5% Panchagavya @ 3% at 30 DAT, Weed management: Azolla live mulching, Hand weeding Organic plant protection
T2: Farmers practice
2022-23 |
3 |
Kharif |
3 |
Real time weather advisory based crop management practices for Paddy (DAMU) |
T1= timely weather based agro advisories to farmers during crop season T2 = with outweather based agro advisories to farmers |
2022-23 |
5 |
Kharif |
4 |
Performance of groundnut varieties during Kharif |
T1 :K 1812 T2: Nityaharitha (TCGS-1157) T3: Farmer practice (K6) |
2019-20 |
3 |
Rabi |
5 |
2. Performance of Black gram varieties under late sown situation |
T1 = LBG-787 T2= GBG-1 T3= Farmers practice (TBG 104) |
2020-21 |
5 |
6 |
Guliragi method of cultivation in ragi |
T1: Guliragi method of cultivation in ragi with 30x30 spacing T2: Guliragi method of cultivation in ragi with 45x45 spacing T3: Normal transplanting |
2022-23 |
5 |
Rabi |
7 |
Assessment on “Revisiting of fertilizer schedule in Sugarcane” |
T1 = Revised schedule : 168-100-120kg NPK/ha+12.5kg Znso4/ha + 10t FYM/ha T2= Recommended 112-100-120kg NPK/ha+ 10t FYM/ha T3= Farmers practice345-115-150kg NPK/ha |
2022-23 |
3 |
Rabi |
III. |
1 |
Upscalling of Line sowing of paddy with ferti cum seed drill to enhance productivity and to reduce cost of cultivation” (ATMA) |
T1= line sowing of paddy with ferti cum seed drill T2= Farmers’ practice ( broad casting of paddy) |
2020-21 |
10 |
Kharif |
2 |
Seed to seed mechanization in paddy - Promotion of farm mechanization to enhance paddy productivity”(ATMA) |
T1 : Mechanised paddy cultivation from seed to seed mechanisation T2: Normal transplanting
2021-22 |
10 |
Kharif |
3 |
Performance of Single node seedling Planted Sugarcane |
T1: Single node Seedlings in 120cm X 30 cm T2: Farmers practice (3 budded sets) 90 cm solid row |
2021-22 |
10 |
Kharif |
4 |
Demonstration of Sunhemp seed production in Rice fallows |
T1= Sunhemp seed Production in rice fallows with ICM T2 = Farmers practice : Sunhemp seed Production in rice fallows without ICM
2019-20 |
10 |
Rabi |
IV. |
1.Integrated crop management(Variety, Nutrient Management and Plant protection) in Black gram under NFSM |
T1= ICM Practices :Improved variety (TBG-104 and Nutrient management), Seed treatment chemical (Imidachloprid), weed management (Iris)and (Foliar spray with Multi K & 19:19:19) and need based plant protection chemicals (monocrotophos) and stickytraps. T2 = farmers practice : Local variety and non adoption of ICM |
2020-21 |
50 |
Rabi |
2. Integrated crop management (Variety, Nutrient Management and Plant protection) in Greengram under NFSM |
T1= ICM Practices :Improved variety (IPM-2-14 and Nutrient management), Seed treatment chemical (Imidachloprid), weed management (Iris)and (Foliar spray with Multi K & 19:19:19) and need based plant protection chemicals (monocrotophos) and stickytraps. T2 = farmers practice : Local variety and and non adoption of ICM |
2021-22 |
50 |
Rabi |
3.Integrated crop management (Variety, Nutrient Management and Plant protection) in Summer Greengram under NFSM |
T1= ICM Practices :Improved variety (IPM-2-14 and Nutrient management), Seed treatment chemical (Imidachloprid), weed management (Iris)and (Foliar spray with Multi K & 19:19:19) and need based plant protection chemicals (monocrotophos) and stickytraps. T2 = farmers practice : Local variety and andnon adoption of ICM |
2021-22 |
50 |
Summer |
Plant Protection 2022-23
S.No |
Title of OFT |
Treatments |
Year of Initiation |
No of locations |
Season of Execution |
1. |
Assessment on viral disease management in Papaya |
T1: IPM Package · Papaya seedlings have to be raised in 40-60 micron nylon mesh nets. · Sesbania and maize/sorghum has to be planted in two rows as barrier crop for sucking pests 15 days before transplanting of papaya seedlings. · Acephate @ 1.5g/l to be sprayed in nursery before 3 days of transplanting. · Erection of 12 to 15 yellow and blue sticky traps · Spraying neem oil @ 2.5 ml along with acephate @ 2.5g/l + sticking agent @ 0.5ml/ltwice with 15 days interval. · To improve fruit quality in plants that are affected with ring spot virus spraying urea 10 g + zinc sulphate 1.5 g + boron 1 g/l once in a month upto 8 months is recommended. Plants that are affected with leaf curl has to be uprooted and burnt immediately. T2: Erection of 12 to 15 yellow and blue sticky traps Spraying neem oil @ 2.5 ml along with acephate @ 1.5g/l + sticking agent @ 0.5ml/l twice with 15 days interval. T3 (Farmers practice) |
2020-21 |
3 |
Rabi |
2. |
Assessment on management of Whipsmut in Sugarcane |
T1: Spraying of Tebuconazole (0.1%) immediately after ratooning followed by another spray after 30-35 days T2: Spraying of Propiconazole 25 EC @ 2 ml/l immediately after ratooning followed by another spray after 30-35 days T3 (Farmers practice): Hand picking of smut and Spraying of Carbendazim + Mancozeb @ 2g/l after disease incidence |
2020-21 |
3 |
Rabi |
3 |
Assessment on Nematode management in Tomato |
T1: Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum @ 15-20g/ Kg seed. Seedling to be grown in substrate (cocopeat) enriched with biopesticides, Trichoderma harzianum @ 10 g per kg cocopeat. Soil application of biopesticides enriched FYM @ 5t/ha before planting+ Fluopyram 400 SC at 500 ml acre-110 DAT as spot application + soil drenching of neem cake enriched biopesticides suspension once in 30 days in standing crop T2: Soil enrichment with neem cake @ 100kg/acre Application of Carbofuran 3G granules; T3 (Farmers practice): Spraying of COC @ 3g/l as the crop was showing wilt symptoms |
2022-23 |
3 |
Karif-Rabi |
4 |
Assessment on TRAP barrier system for Rodent management in Paddy |
T1: Trap Barrier system Establish trap barrier in form of a wall around the crop using 250m L and 2.5 ft. Ht plastic sheet., Galvanise wire and Bamboo sticks per acre. For every 15-20m a small hole has to be made and cage traps to be arranged above water level. T2: Farmers practice: Poison baiting with rodenticides. |
2022-23 |
3 |
Kharif |
5 |
Assessment on IPM in Chilli against Black thrips and other sucking pests |
T1: Deep summer Ploughing Application of Neem cake @200kg per acre. Soil application of Azospirillum, Phoshobacteria, and Potash mobilizing bacteria @ 5 Kg/ha Seed treatment with Imidachloprid 8g/kg Two rows of maize/jowar as boarder crop/ Marigold as trap crop Installation of Yellow & blue sticky traps- for sucking pest management (20 per acre) Removal and destruction of virus affected pants Neem oil 10,000 ppm @ 2ml/L alternating with the chemical sprays. Fipronil (Regent) – 40 to 50 g/acre. Imidacloprid 40% + Fiprnil 40%WG (Police)– 40 to 50 g/acre. Cyantraniliprole - 240 ml/ acre & Acetamiprid – 40 to50 g/acre
T2 (Farmers practice): Mixed Chemical spraying at 2-3 days interval |
2022-23 |
3 |
Kharif-Rabi |
Title of FLD |
1. |
Demonstration on management of major diseases in Paddy in Srikakulam district |
T1: Spraying of Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% 1.5ml/l at tillering stage against sheath blight, sheath rot and Spraying of Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenconazole 11.4% 1.25 ml/l at 50% Flowering stage in the evening hours against false smut T2 (Farmers practice): Spraying of Propiconazole 25 EC @ 2 ml/l and Tricyclazole after incidence of Disease and Spraying of Carbendazim + Mancozeb @ 2.0 g/l) after incidence of Disease/ Grain development stage) |
2022-23 (OFT-FLD) |
5 |
Kharif |
2. |
Demonstration on Pesticide spraying by using DRONE in paddy |
T1: Spraying of pesticides using Drone T2: Farmers practice: Spraying of Pesticides using Power/ Battery sprayer/ Knapsack sprayer |
2022-23 |
5 |
Kharif |
3 |
Demonstration on Management of Fall Army Worm in Maize |
T1: Integrated pest management approaches · Border crop with Jowar /Napier grass · Seed treatment with Cyantraniliprol 19.8% + Thiomethoxam 19.8% @ 6ml/l · Erection of pheromone traps @ 10/acre at 7-10 DAS · Release of Trichogramma parasitoids @ 20000/acre · Spraying of Neem oil (10000ppm) @ 2 ml/l at 7 DAS · Spraying of Bt @ 2g/l at 5-10 infestation/ 15-20 DASor EPN (Heterorhabditis indica) @ 20g/litre of water (4kg/acre) · Spraying of Emamectin Benzoate @ 0.4 g/l at 20-25 DAS · Spraying of at Chlorantraniliprole @ 0.3ml/l at 30-35 DAS Poison baiting with Thoidicarb 100 g+ Jaggery 2 Kg + Rice bran 10 Kg) T2: Farmers practice: No seed treatment Spraying of chemicals immediately after observation of pest |
2020-21 |
10 |
Rabi |
4 |
Demonstration on Management Rugose Spiralling Whitefly (RSW) (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin) in coconut |
T1 : IPM Package · Installation of yellow sticky traps on palm trunks to attract adult whiteflies · Release of Dichochrysa sp. astur @ 300 eggs per palm at 15 days interval; · Redistribution of Encarsia guadeloupae in RSW infested areas. · Spraying Azadirachtin @ 1% @ 1ml per liter along with detergent powder @ 10 gms (2-3 sprays at 20 days interval) · Foliar application of entomopathogenic fungi Isaria fumosorosea 1 x 108 spores/ml. (5gm/l) along with sticker 2ml/litre. T2 – Farmers practice: Spraying of mixture of chemicals |
2019-20 |
10 (25 trees each) |
Kharif - Rabi |
CFLD oil seeds |
1. |
Integrated Crop Management in Groundnut |
T1: ICM Practices (Improved variety, Seed treatment with Tebuconazole@ 1 gm/kg + Pendimethaline @ 1lt per acre, Micronutrients mix @ 1 kg/ acre, Neem oil @ 1lt/ acre, Monocrotophos @ 500 ml/ acre, Gypsum @ 200 Kg/ Acre, Yellow sticky traps @ 15 per acre) T2: Farmers practice K-6; Non adoption of ICM meauseres |
2018-19 |
50 (20ha) |
Rabi |
Extension 2022-23
S.No |
Title of OFT |
Treatments |
Year of Initiation |
No of locations |
Season of Execution |
1. |
Assessment of New varieties of Korra |
T1:Suryanandi T2:Renadu |
2021 |
5 |
Kharif |
2. |
Sorghum as alternate crop to maize |
T1:Maize T2:Sorghum |
2022 |
5 |
Kharif |
Title of FLD |
1. |
Demonstration of new variety of Sorghum NTJ 5 |
T1:Local T2:NTJ 5 |
2021 |
10 |
Kharif |
2. |
Paddy bund based cultivation of marigold and redgram |
T1:Red gram T2:Marygold |
2022 |
5 |
Kharif |
3 |
Paddy bund based cultivation of redgram ICP 7035 |
T1: LRG 52 T2: ICP7035 |
2021 |
10 |
Kharif |
1 |
ICM in Sesamum |
T1: Farmers Practice with local variety T2: ICM with YLM 66 |
2018 |
50 |
Rabi/Summer |
Horticulture 2022-23
S. No. |
Title of the Trial / DemoDiscipline Wise |
Treatments (T1 / T2 / T3…) |
Year of Initiation |
No. of Locations |
Season of Execution |
I. |
1 |
Assesment of marigold hybrid/ varieties performance in srikakulam district |
T1: Marigold hybrids -Arka Bangara-2 cultivation T2: Marigold hybrids- Yellow Dollar cultivation T3: Farmers Practice –Seracol cultivation |
2018-19 |
5 |
Rabi |
2 |
Assessment of chilli hybrids Arka khyati and Arka Swetha |
T1: Arka Khyati T2: Arka Swetha T3 : Farmers practice- Kurakula |
2022-23 |
3 |
Rabi |
III. |
1 |
Demonstration on Fertigation in Banana |
T1: Application of Straight fertilizers through fertigation SSP @ 160 gm at time of planting T2: Farmers Practice (only NPK) SSP @ 160 gm at time of planting, Urea @ 400kg; DAP @ 200 kg and MOP @ 450 kg/acre in three splits with flood irrigation |
2018-19 |
5 |
Kharif and Rabi |
2 |
Integrated Crop Management in Cashew |
T1 : Improved practices - June-July: Pruning of criss-cross & dried branches and spray of 1% Bordeaux mixture followed by application of 1/2 dose of RDF. Sept-Oct: application of 1/2 dose of RDF along with need based plant protection measures T2: No pruning, No application of chemical fertilizers but only FYM @ 10 kg /tree |
2019-20 |
10 |
Kharif and Rabi |
3 |
Demonstration of Fertigation schedule in Oilpalm |
T1: 1050g urea +652 g DAP +1000g MOP through fertigation per each plant per year into 12 equal splits at monthly intervals. T2 :Farmer practice |
2019-20 |
3 |
Kharif and Rabi |
Home Science 2022-23
S. No. |
Title of the Trial / DemoDiscipline Wise |
Treatments (T1 / T2 / T3…) |
Year of Initiation |
No. of Locations |
Season of Execution |
I. |
1 |
Assessment of different dehydration methods for preparation of value added products with pineapple |
T1= Dehydration by using electrical dryer T2= Dehydration by using solar dryer T3= Sun drying |
2020-21 |
3 |
Kharif |
2 |
Assessment of different types of weeders for inter cultivation in vegetable crops |
T1= CRIJAF weeder T2= CRIDA wheel Hoe T3= Farmer’s Practice (Manual weeding using hand)
2021-22 |
3 |
Rabi |
3 |
Assessment of Bakery products with Jack fruit seed powder |
T1= 400gm wheat flour +100gms JFSP+50gms JFBP+50gms mushroom powder T2= 90% Refined Wheat flour + 10 % Jack fruit seed powder T3= Refined wheat flour |
2022-23 |
3 |
Kharif |
III. |
1 |
Demonstration on hermetic storage bags for storage of oil seeds |
T1= Hermetic Storage bags for storage of Sesame, Ground nut. T2= Farmer’s practice (Storage in oil seeds) |
2022-23 |
10 |
Kharif and continued in Rabi |
2 |
Demonstration on Nutri- garden for ensuring year long availability of vegetables for farm families. |
T1= familles with nutrition garden. T2= households without nutrition garden |
2020-21 |
10 |
Kharif/ Rabi
3 |
Demonstration on moringa millet biscuits |
T1= Moringa Millet biscuits T2= Millet biscuits |
2020-21 |
10 |
Rabi |
Fisheries 2022-23
S. No. |
Title of the Trial / DemoDiscipline Wise |
Treatments (T1 / T2 / T3…) |
Year of Initiation |
No. of Locations |
Season of Execution |
I. |
1 |
Assessment of culture potential of fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) along with Indian Major Carps (Mixed culture) |
FP. Farmers practice; Culture of Indian major caps alone ( Carp culture) TO1: Recommended practice; Mixed culture of fresh water prawn (M.rosenbergii) along with IMC. TO2: Composite fish culture with IMC + Exotic carps |
2022-23 |
3 |
Year long |
2 |
Assessment of integrated management of Argulus (fish lice) in fresh water fish culture |
FP. Farmers practice; Application of Formalin @1 lit/ ac or Deltamethrin @200 ml/Ac TO1: Recommended practice; Integrated Manage emnt practices. 1. Application of Deltamethrin (2.8 EC )@100 ml +Dichlorovas @100 ml Per Acre for two times @ 8-12 days intervals Removing the Grass along the sides of dike and changing the feed bags and feed poles. TO2:Feeding with Ivermectin(1%) mixed feed for five days (10 gm Ivermectin (1%) in 100 kg feed or for 1 ton of biomass,Removing the Grass along the sides of dike and changing the feed bags and feed poles.
2022-23 |
5 |
Year long |
3 |
Assessment of optimised use of probiotics in shrimp culture. |
FP. Farmers practice; Irregular use of probiotics or not aware of water, soil and gut probiotics TO1: Application of probiotics throughout the culture period of shrimp i.e gut probiotics (Gut colonising bacteria, Bascillus Sp)along with water Probiotics (AOB, NOB and DNB) and soil probiotics (Rhodococcus Sp) TO2: Application of water probiotics(Consortia of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB), nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and denitrifying bacteria (DNB) |
2022-23 |
3 |
Year long |
4 |
Assessment of feed additives in nursery rearing of fish seed |
FP. Farmers practice; Seed rearing in traditional method TO1: Recommended practice; Usage of feed additive such as Vitamin C (30 mg/Kg) with supplementary feed in carp seed rearing TO2: Rearing of Carp fish seed with Nursery management
2022-23 |
3 |
Year long |
III. |
1 |
Demonstration of optimum of stocking density of grass carp along with IMC culture in community or GP tanks |
T1: farmers practice :Stocking of less no of Grass carp variety along with Indian major carp T2: Recommended practice Stocking of grass carp @300-400 no per acre in community or GP tanks |
2022-23 |
5 |
Year long |
2 |
Demonstration of Management of bacterial infection red disease in fresh water fish ponds |
T1: farmers practice : Use of different chemicals indiscriminately or not using any therapeutic agents T2: Use of water sanitizers BKC @1 lit or bromine liquid per acre or potassium permanganate @400 gm per acre |
2022-23 |
5 |
Kharif |
3 |
Demonstration of improved poultry breeds as backyard poultry as income generation activity |
T1: farmers practice : Rearing desibirds without brooding facility, and vaccination. T2: RP: Demonstration of improved breed chicks such as Vana sri |
2022-23 |
10 |
Year long |